Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dateline NBC (the tables turn)

Anyone that knows me (REALLY knows me) understands what an addiction I have to reality shows, documentaries and a good exposé show of any kind. You should see my TIVO schedule and you would know. Ironically, Dateline will be doing just this on Sunday. Unfortunately, this is a subject that affects our family personally as well as many of our friends. It will cover the two sides of adoption in Guatemala. We will be watching this with a heavy heart. I'm sure it will bring to light things we really would rather not know but do exist. My heart aches for the children in Guatemala, the families that will never know the love we have experienced, the perception that could be created every time someone looks at our children and the worst...if anyone were to ever say anything to them. I'm very sad by the fact I am already feeling that magical process in a far away land will forever be tarnished in the eyes of everyone around us. I don't know anything about what will be exposed but I'm sure it won't be pretty. I think Kevin summed it up best.

So while this Dateline story will show the unfortunate dark side of Guatemalan adoptions, please realize that the overwhelming majority of cases were not that way. And PLEASE do not judge us or more importantly our children by the actions of a few people who deserve to be behind bars.
--Kevin Kreutner, WI (submitted on Jan. 14, 2008)


Molly said...

Anyone who knows you & your family (really knows them!), already knows the love and happiness that exists there. Your process of becoming parents through adoption has been an open book, and if there is a "seamy" side, it is not associated with you. When I see your girls faces, all I see is love. (and some happiness, and a few teeth in those bright smiles...)

As for those who would judge... sadly you have no control over that. I recall when my friend's adopted daughter was in her early teens, the child's cousin, an 8 year old girl, commented "We have to love you even though you're not really our family". This hurtful statement from the mouth of an 8 year old reflected the attitude of adults in her life. Not strangers, but family. My friend had to do damage control, as I'm sure you will in the future when people make thoughtless comments. It was something that was discussed among friends and family and gave us all an opportunity to talk about our love for the teenaged girl. I didn't HAVE to love her, you see, but I did. And how she ended up in my life didn't really matter much. She was in my heart already.

Your girls are in my heart, too. And I pledge to stand by them and you when people try to hurt you with judging looks and comments. You can't control what they do, but you can control what you do. And you have surrounded yourself with friends and family who understand ALL of what went into bringing your babies into our lives. We can't protect our kids from all the hurts of the world, but we can help them cope. And yes, that is good enough. :)

bridget said...

it seems that molly has said it all. i hope people with watch the dateline special with an open mind and an open heart. b.