Sunday, May 11, 2008

Just when I think I've heard everything...

For America's Favorite Mom contest sponsored by Teleflora and NBC's Today Show, they catagorized mothers that adopted as non-moms. In order to keep myself from boarding a plane and showing them what it feels like when a Real-Mom (that just happened to have adopted) physically attacks them, I'm going to assume the front desk security guard approved the copy because everyone at Teleflora and NBC were out building houses for Habitat for Humanity.

Here is their sincere apology.

Teleflora is immediately changing the name of our "Non-Mom" category to "Adopting Moms". After closer examination, we can see how this may have been offensive to moms who have adopted children -- moms who are indeed real moms to their children in every sense of the word. In fact, many of us at Teleflora are “adopting” parents ourselves, including our president and owner. The essence of this category still focuses on a grandparent, neighbor, step mom, or mom to adopted or foster children, each one raising and loving a child. This show of insensitivity on our part was in no way intended and we deeply apologize for any concern or distress we may have caused. It was always our intent to salute and celebrate all moms.