We heard from our agency today that they are estimating our birth certificate to be completed on Friday and then we have about two weeks after that to travel home. Based on this timeline, it will put us around the 3rd week of August. There are many things that can still cause administrative delays, but I´m continuing to remain optimistic. I can´t wait to go home and start our life as a family. Fall is my favorite season and I´m excited to experience Minneapolis with Mia and Dennis during (what I consider to be) the most beautiful time of the year. Dennis has done an amazing job of keeping things together in Minneapolis. He said he has several surprises for Mia and me. I´m hoping one is not a missing Oliver.
Mia is doing great. She screams and laughs and tries to utter a few sounds when I talk to her. Every morning she wakes up by blowing bubbles and making very strange sounds. We had to call her daddy a few times so he could experience how funny it is at 4 am. She also loves throwing EVERYTHING off the table. She is at the stage where she is grabbing anything in her reach. I just noticed tooth #2 popping through.
Things are very relaxed in this beautiful little place. I´ve included a few random pictures. We have the best neighbors. They have pretty much adopted Mia and make wonderful vegetarian meals for us. I miss everyone and can´t wait to see you. It has been so nice to receive all of your kind messages.