Aracely has really been a godsend to our family. I knew by talking with her references she was very special person and all of the children love her, but I'm amazed at how much Mia and Mazlin are connected to her. Every morning she does Mia's hair (with big people hairspray-see photo)before they go anywhere. Mazlin doesn't have enough hair to do anything with at this point but I'm sure as it grows she will get the same treatment. Mia's room is filled with drawings that Araceley made to help her learn Spanish. She makes amazing meals for them throughout the day and teaches our whole family things about her culture as well. I love having her here. Dennis is gone pretty often and just knowing someone else is in the house makes me feel so much better.
We went shopping to get her what she need for her room and she really just wanted picture frames and few little things. I've not been in her room since she moved in and she wanted to show me what she had done..the walls are covered with pictures of her family and her extended network of friends. She is here for an opportunity to learn English and apply for her masters degree. She really is a pretty courageous person to be here so far from her family at 25 years old. You would think by now I've learned that change isn't about what you're giving up (space, privacy, etc.) but more about what you gain (new culture, wonderful influences, etc.)
Now, if I could just make her understand that taking the car to the Casino on her off time can't happen again. To her defense-I never told her she couldn't. Live and Learn. Now I tell her everything in painstaking detail.