Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well. We had a great day today. The weather was beautiful and we spent the afternoon at the park in central square. It is a very active part of Antigua and filled with vendors and people just relaxing. Mia loves to watch all the people go by. She has discovered that screaming at the top of her little lungs is very funny and makes everyone laugh. She does this about every 15-20 minutes. I´m hoping it is just a phase and she will move on to an activity that is a little less noisy. I´m starting to pick up Spanish just by living here since Mia´s nanny doesn´t speak english. It is very funny watching both of us try to communicate. Somehow it is working out just fine and she is teaching me many things that I didn´t know. Most importantly, that you need to boil the bottles in Guatemala. I found that out a little late, but Mia made it through okay. We´re boiling everything now :)
We were able to resubmit the missing document thanks to the help of a few fast acting people in Minneapolis. I´m hoping things will be back on track soon. I just try to remind myself that this is a very special experience and I need to enjoy my time in Antigua with Mia.