Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dear friends in Minneapolis...


Just in case you were wondering, the capris are back in full force. Although, he has added a few new colors he hasn't had any altercations...yet. Nor does he really seem to care. He swears it is going to catch on this season. Um, not so much.
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jwedren said...

This is too funny! Hope you guys are doing well. We miss having you in MSP.

BTW, I don't have your email address. Write me at I want to introduce you to my friends daughter that is going to grad school at Wash U.

Take care,


bridget said...

hey, dennis might just be marching to the beat of a different drummer! that would be nothing new!!! there's a columnist in st louis who writes for the daily newspaper here and for years he's been a big advocate of men wearing shorts with their sport coats, shirts and ties in the summer months. dennis, you need to contact bill mcclellan...he'd appreciate your look. b.

mGk said...

I was walking Madeline around the city center yesterday and saw a man wearing capris!! If he is any indication, the trend is catching on with the over 60 set! (And there is that one guy who plays professional tennis, Raphael Nadal, who wears them with pride...) Keep on keepin' on!


Kristin said...

lots of italians wearing them at the beginning of the summer...not that it makes it okay or anything