Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Mia's new friend Emma is from Guatemala too!


BTW, Emma's sweet little grandfather put her dress on backwards and she was sporting the Jennifer Lopez low-cut look. She was a doll and her grandfather was a sweet heart (I just know there was a mother out there who would have been mortified! Hopefully, he didn't take too many pictures :)
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bridget said...

this is so funny...you're right about a mother being mortified somewhere...she just doesn't know it yet!

Molly said...

Oh my god, I could so see my grandpa doing that (Pa). I could also see Gene doing that someday. Heck, I can see any man doing that. They just don't get the trouble we girls go through to look fabulous. Emma is adorable, backward dress and all. I'm glad Mia found a friend!