Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mazlin's first year home
In the adoption world, they have a term called "Gotcha Day" and it means different things to different people. I wanted to mark Mazlin's one year anniversary with a little film she can look at with her friends ten years from now and maybe think her mom was pretty artistic and cool to use Ben Harper as background music. Maybe not, but enjoy!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The gift of the divine Ms. M

It was one year ago that Mazlin came home. Although, it seems like she has been here forever. Knowing how sensitive she is, I look back and realize what a hard transition it was for her. I know children are resilient but I also know it probably wasn't a walk in the park for her. She is THE snuggliest little thing and so painfully shy that she will continue to close her eyes until the mean person stops trying to look or talk to her. Once she warms up she is hilarious. She still sleeps like a dream---goes down at 7 and wakes at 7smiling and ready for a new day.
She has taught me so much about myself and has truly made me a better more present mommy/person. I'll always owe her for that. It was through her needing of me that I found out things about myself. For some reason the same things weren't triggered with Mia. I think it is easier to continue to live life like you always have with one child and with two it isn't as easy. I guess each child brings there own gift and Maz's gift was one of change and letting go (clean house, laundry, People Magazine, etc.)and replacing it with a true desire to have a fun and healthy family. I don't know if I would of been aware if she didn't enter my life and challenge me.
I have tried my best to stop nagging Mia and Maz about being careful and safe and quiet. Dennis is definitely the more spontaneous and fun parent. They LOVE when he is in charge. He is teaching me to lighten up and enjoy the experiences. I have to say I'm a little jealous he is the fun one. All I kept thinking through the video is...they are going to fall, Maz can't breathe, Mia is going to hit her head, blah, blah, blah. I kept my mouth shut and just enjoyed the sound of their laughter. There is nothing better.
The joys of urban living
Here is a riddle for you...
The best daddy around
Thank you pool gods
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Mia the photographer
Mia loves to take pictures. She just comes in the room with a camera and insists we all say CHEESE! This is a random shot of my niece Kaitlyn and my sister Stephanie (who I adore even though she complains that I never write anything about her on the blog)
Congrats Heather!
How lucky are we that Heather is not only a wonderful therapist but now she is officially a registered play therapist as well. We stopped by her new office on her first day of business and the girls had a blast. Heather is just one of those people that does everything right...school...marriage...more school...just enough travel...and she even drives an electric car! I made fun of her until we paid a whopping $90.00 to fill our beast.
Seriously, we are very proud of you and all your awesome accomplishments!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Lots of family time
We had a great weekend. Just going for long walks to the park and the coffee shop. They are at a very trying age but also an adorable age. Especially when they play together. Too cute.
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