Sunday, May 18, 2008

The ebb and flow of parenting


I'm starting to realize parenting has the same ebb and flow as all relationships. The husband/wife you can't get enough of one day and two days later you are daydreaming about how wonderful it would be if they couldn't talk for an extended period of time...or the friend you think knows you like no other and then offers you a burger..or the sister that makes you laugh harder than anyone you know but also makes you crazy when she calls you on things you can't hide from because she DOES know you like no other. I digress.

Your children are no different. Some days I literally could be arrested because I can't get enough of them and am probably borderline inappropriate (not to mention-illegal) in trying to kiss them as many times as they will allow yet two days later hear Mozart playing when the nanny arrives and then start daydreaming that she tells me she loves this job so much that she would love to stay longer and feed and bathe them if I didn't mind.

Right now, I'm in my yummy stage. How could you not-look at these two little loveys!
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