Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Since Dennis and I will be in assisted living when the girls are 10...

I’m starting to create video diaries for the girls. I imagine mia and maz watching these pieces when they are older. It is my hope anyway. Dennis and I both have few pictures from our early years. Being the 3rd born on my side and the 8th born on his side, we understand why and it was just a different time then. Here is the first 6 months since Maz’s arrival. Enjoy!


Molly said...

I love it!!!!!

Thanks for making my day!

mGk said...

This is beautiful.

Your girls are going to cherish these as they grow.

You are all amazing!

bridget said...

i honestly found myself laughing out loud a couple of times! i also noticed how much the color pink is present in your daily lives!!! b.