Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Our girls


I'm not sure how it happened but every night after dinner we move into the living room and start playing and dancing (you should see Dennis do a mean soft shoe to 'Do You Know The Muffin Man?')with the girls. It is becoming my favorite part of the day. I've learned that expanding your family is an adjustment that takes time and I was more prone to think of all the harder parts at first. Dennis, being the old man in the shoe, didn't seem to have the same struggles. That is why I love him. I was away last weekend and it was the first time I've been away since Mazlin arrived for more than one night and I missed them very much. This is our little family and we all found our place and our routines and I can honestly say it is perfect to me. It just took a little time...
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Molly said...

Nice... you gotta love a houseful of girls and a dad who will dance with them. I love the little movies, and I found myself laughing when you laughed. They are wonderful!! (um... where's the video of YOU dancing Mom. You're a girl, too, you know. :) )

bridget said...

i'd like to see the video of dennis doing a soft shoe to muffin man! b.