I can’t tell you how many times I am surprised by people telling me they go to my blog all the time or they know someone that forwarded the blog and they love to follow our adoption journey.
I find this both really wonderful and really odd all at the same time—until I’m honest with myself and admit I do the same thing. In fact, I’m afraid I’m going to run up to a few of the bloggers I follow as if we are friends for life and they don’t even know me. What goes around comes around. Let’s be honest.
The other day my sister told me she met a woman who adopted from Guatemala and my sister mentioned her niece Mazlin (it isn’t a name you soon forget). She knew immediately who we were and went on to say my blog was one of the reasons they decided to move forward with their adoption. You can’t get much better than that. I’ve tried to be as open and honest with the ups and downs of adoption and creating new families. As with the first, the second adoption brings so many additional elements to the family. You have the sibling to sibling relationship, the additional transition for the entire family and expected second child dynamics.
Bringing Mazlin into our life was the best thing that could have happened to us. We are seeing an amazing attachment therapist (initially for Mazlin to better attach to the family and then the very wise lady quickly turned to me and in so many words told me it was more of a mommy attaching to the new family dynamic kind of thingy) I’m a big girl. I can take it. Sniff. Sniff.
She has taught us so much already about the power of attachment. It is much easier to begin to understand when you realize Mazlin came to us from a place of loss. She believes all adopted children do. Even if the child is adopted at birth, it still was attached on a molecular level to his/her brith mommy. I didn’t give Mazlin or Mia’s (for that fact) transition the respect it should have had relating to attachment. The fact we are embarking on the journey of understanding is truly a gift.
Thank you Mazlin!
www.attach.org (for all my secret blogger friends)