Saturday, June 09, 2007

A Letter to Mazy

Dear Mazy,

I just overheard mommy and daddy saying that you are arriving the 19th of June. I've pretty much been living on easy street around here and basically have them wrapped around my finger. I'm really not sure how you are going to fit into the picture and I'm more concerned about what steps I will take in order to make sure you don't mess with "my good thing".

Here are the rules:
1. No sharing before 10:00am
2. My needs come first
3. You will have to eat anything I don't like
4. I get daddy 99.9% of the time (unless you are sick). We can split mommy 50/50 since she has too many rules.
4. I'm your big sister, your best friend and you can tell me anything. I"m going to be there for you no matter what and I'll always protect you. We share a culture and history that will bond us forever.
6. I'll be waiting for you in my room---just knock first and don't touch anything unless I tell you that you can.

Love your big sister Mia

1 comment:

Molly said...

hahaha... I hope Mazy has a good sense of humor! She's gonna need it in her new home!