Wednesday, August 10, 2005

In time for Lucia´s

Today is August 10th and we still have not received our Guatemala birth certificate. We aren´t able to apply for the visa without the birth certificate. Initially, we thought we would have it on the 5th, but haven´t heard anything. It gets a little hard watching all the other babies go home. On the 20th, I will have been here for 2 months. I really thought I would be home by the end of July. Now, it looks like we won´t be home until the end of August. I´m really glad that I decided to come here when I did. Mia has changed so much over the last couple of months. She is now sleeping through the night. I still wake up every couple of hours and feel her stomach to make sure she is breathing. I´m not sure when that will stop (maybe when she is 18). It is bittersweet for me because I know how much Dennis would enjoy seeing her grow through these stages. We call him every morning and give raspberries on the phone. That is Mia´s new way of communicating. We miss you all!

My goal is to be home in time for a glass of Lucia´s sangria before it is taken off the menu. Keep your fingers crossed.

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