Mia and Mel had a little play date yesterday. We went swimming with Anna in the afternoon and then met Mel for a quick bite to eat. Summer days are so fun!
are going really well. We are trying to plan a trip to St. Louis and maybe Maine sometime in the near future. Mia is loving her daycare. We do have a small problem with biting. Actually, it isn't small-she has had 4 citations and may soon be arrested by the kinderberry police. Mia keeps us very busy. We pretty much spend our time watching her do just about anything. And so it goes.
We had a great time at the McCarren's Lake house this weekend. Mia had her first boat ride, lake swim and cow visit. We ate and drank way too much, but had a perfect visit. Marta, Mike and Dominick were there also.
Heather and Tim payed a surprise visit to the "back yard party" yesterday... we had so much fun swimming, sliding and playing with all mia's friends... thanks for coming!