Thursday, July 05, 2007

Blogging is a funny thing...

I've realized that blogging is similar to cleaning your house before your guests come over or smiling and waving to your neighbor immediatley after arguing with your husband in that healthy passive-aggressive way we know and love. You can take the pictures exactly as you want them and you can talk about only the things that are fun and happy and rainbowish and leave out all of the bad stuff. Blogs are a small glimpse (completely controlled by you) of your life for everyone to see. I've taken a bit of a break and I could tell you it is because I'm so in love with the new little addition that I find any other activity pales in comparison. In reality, two children change EVERYTHING. I've heard a million people tell me this and I've found it to be true. Mazlin came home on Tuesday and by Friday I was calling Dennis off the golf course and telling him he needed to come home right away because I was feeling so overwhelmed I just wanted to cry. Yes, it is true, as much as I would love to say it has been an easy ride, it hasn't. We get a good laugh out of it but I actually told him we should put the dog (that I've had for 14 years and dearly love) down because I couldn't handle all the responsibility.

I remember when I arrived in Guatemala and met a number of other adopting moms, a few of them were breastfeeding and I thought it was so amazing that the body rises to the occasion. I didn't know it was physically possible to do this but it is. I'm realizing postpartum isn't only for bio moms out there. I'm happy to say each day gets better and Mazlin is a love. She is the sweetest. We went to our first family outing on the 4th and I remember looking at both of them swimming knowing that everything was going to be fine. I'm just having bleach and Pine-Sol withdrawal and a little reality TV withdrawal. My house is a mess, they sleep at different times, eat different foods, one walks-one doesn' the end I'm happy--just a little more cluttered than usual. I wouldn't change a thing. More pictures to come-----


El said...

Messy houses and being overwhelmed I can completely understand, and expect.

But Dennis on a golf course?



I just blogged Maureen, "Who could have told you that life would so drastically change? And would you have heard it?" , No , because these changes take place inside your individual mind! You are not alone! Haven't we (moms esp.) all gone through this? Take comfort in knowing that others have gone before you! We get it!
(Loved el's comment about Dennis!)